5 Easy Tricks To Do On Longboards 2023

Do you love finding new ways to challenge and entertain yourself when longboarding? If that’s the case, longboarding tricks are always the most adventurous ways to experience the unique thrills and challenges of longboarding.

You can learn various longboarding tricks, from simple moves like 180s and ollies to more complex aerial maneuvers. Once you’ve mastered the basics, you can start combining multiple tricks to create your combinations.

So, in this blog article, I will reveal some fantastic Tricks To Do On Longboards that will not only add spice to your rides but also help you improve your balance and control on your board.

1. Peter Pan

The Peter Pan is a great trick for beginner to intermediate level riders. It requires good balance and coordination, but it looks amazing once you’ve mastered it! This section will tell you how to do this trick in four simple steps.

  1. First, make sure you’re comfortable with your basic stance. You’ll want to place your front foot on the board’s edge and start the movement. Keeping good control will be key to starting this trick successfully.
  2. Now do the same thing with the other foot start by putting your back foot in front of the other and try to make a carve with it. The tough part of this trick is only having one foot on the skate, which makes it unstable, but with practice, you’ll be able to perform it easily.
  3. You need to improve your balance and reduce unstable placement by using your upper body. For example, if your foot is on the right edge, compensate with your upper body on the left side; if your foot is on the left edge, compensate with your upper body on the right side; and then repeat the movement as many times as you can.
  4. When you wish to return to your original stance, for example, if your front foot is crossing the other, replace the back foot normally; similarly, if your back foot is crossing the front foot, cross and replace your front foot on the top side of the board.

Below are some tips that can follow to improve
the longboarding tricks.

  • One way to make your carving bigger is by using soft bushings on your trucks. Another tip is to ensure your truck’s base plate angle is at 50 degrees.
  • Use raiser pads to rise the truck and avoid the wheel bites.
  • Use soft wheels to have more grip on the ground. By following these tips, you’ll be able to create deeper and wider carves.

As you advance in your skating skills, you’ll want to learn how to do the Peter Pan trick. It’s a simple move that looks impressive and can be done in various ways.

2. Ghost Ride

The ghost ride is great for showing off your skills on a longboard. Not only does it look impressive, but it’s also a lot of fun. If you’re feeling creative, try combining the ghost ride with some dance moves. You’ll surely impress anyone who sees you.

The ghost ride is one of the most basic tricks. This is most likely going to be learned in three simple steps.

  1. The first step in this trick is to start longboarding with both feet on the board. Step off with your front foot straight on the ground when you’ve gained enough speed.
  2. The second step in this technique is to place your back foot off the board, crossing it over your front foot.
  3. Finally, uncross your front foot on the third step and hop straight back on the board in the exact position you started.

3. The Cross Step

This is a great move for those who want to stay in one spot and look stylish. The cross-step is all about foot placement and movement. In this section, I will give you three tips on the cross step.

  1. For the first tip, we will bring our back foot close to the back of the board, near the bolts. Our heel should be hanging out a little bit. Then we’ll bring our front foot close to the middle of the board. The next foot will go past crossover to the middle of the front half, and the next foot will be close to the bolts. We’ll then open up to our neutral position.
  2. The second tip is to focus on balance. To begin, we’ll curve the toe side, then the heel side for the rest of the steps, and then, when we reach neutral, we’ll carve the toe side again so that we may return to a straight line.
  3. Okay, now we’re going to talk about tip number three, speed and counterbalance. In this step, you should be moving at a reasonable pushing speed that is consistent so that the board does not shift around too much. The second thing is your counterweight; we’ll be carving uphill most of the time, so make sure you lean slightly to the right side.
    So there are my three recommendations for the cross step on a longboard.

4. No Comply 180

No comply 180 is a longboard freestyle trick, but it looks nice if you can incorporate this trick into some of your longboard dancing lines. It’s one of the first freestyle tricks I learned, and I believe you can do it too, so just follow these steps.

  1. For the first step of the no comply 180, you want to have your back foot on the board’s tail.
  2. You want to get low for the second step of this trick, so drop your weight and get ready to pop your board with your back foot.
  3. The third step is very important for the trick, where you want to slide your foot off the board rather than step off-board. This will make the trick much easier.
  4. For the fourth step, your front foot should be off the board, and the foot should turn sideways. Your body should make room for the 180-degree rotation. Now that your front foot is off the board, the board will also pop up.
  5. For the fifth step, as your board pops up with your back foot. Kick the back tail out and around away from you. Continue opening up and rotating your body pivoting around your planted foot. Try to keep your board close to you and avoid letting it go too far away. Learning this trick at slower speeds will help you.
  6. For the sixth step, hop off your planted foot as you continue to pivot, rotating with the board in the air. Use the toes of your back foot, the one that’s still on the board, to keep the deck close and prevent it from flipping and spinning too fast. You’ll notice that your sweeping foot has moved off a little bit from the tail as well, and that’s how you do the no comply 180.

5. No Comply Shuvits

Before starting this trick, place your front foot in the centre of the board, with roughly half of it hanging off by the heels. The reason for this is that when you do this trick, you’re going to want to put your front foot on the ground and do it relatively quickly, so if you have less weight on the board, it’s going to be a lot easier to take off because there’s going to be a lot less resistance and overall just less to take off, so I would recommend doing that.

However, for your back foot, you should have the bulk of your foot over the board because it will offer you more leverage with the board in or doing that scoop. This trick is also known as the backside shoveit because that’s how you scoop it; you’re pressing down but then scooping back, and by having your foot that far over the board, you’re giving yourself more leverage and more ability to pop and scoop the board, so I’ve suggested having your back foot position like this.

  1. When you first start this trick, you’ll have most of your weight on your front foot, which is how you start a lot of tricks. You’ll then shift that weight from your front foot to your back foot, giving you more leverage, more power, and more strength on that back foot to be able to scoop.
  2. The second step begins with your front foot already on the ground, your back foot beginning to scoop, and the board beginning to pop up. The board begins to rotate. But the second step is to actually start doing the rotation, which you can do by popping down and scooping; remember, you’re not holding the board down. You’re simply popping and pulling back because that gives it the backside rotation. While doing that, your front foot will remain on the ground, and your back foot will not go to the ground because then, with no comply, only one foot goes on the ground.So your front foot will stay on the ground, while your back foot will both pop down, scoop back and stay out. This will give your board a lot more room to execute that rotation and allow it to catch it, which is an important part of the third step.
  3. The third step of this trick will be the actual catching and landing of the trip. As I mentioned in the second step, your back foot does not go to the ground because it has the job of catching the board, which is doing this crazy rotation. So the way you’re going actually to initiate this third step is your board is going to be doing this rotation, and when you see that the board is nearly done with the rotation, take your back toe, which is currently hovering in the air and move it towards the board to catch it so that it will not flip or spin. Once it’s fully set and stable, you’ll want to start jumping from your front foot. Remember that the faster you do this, the cooler it’ll appear because it’ll create more of an up-like jumping effect.


That’s it for now! We hope you enjoyed learning about these easy longboarding tricks. Do you have any questions? If so, leave them in the comments below and we will do our best to answer them. In the meantime, keep practicing and stay safe out there!

You can also find some budget-friendly longboards for tricks in our guide here – Best Longboards for tricks.
